Placard Printing
- Ideal for promoting the local market
- Great for musicals and concerts
- Perfect to advertise sporting event
- …and so much more
Specialist Placard Printing Services For The Best Printed Placards
Placards are still one of the most effective ways to advertise and for a successful campaign, you need a placard printing specialist with years of industry experience and a professional design team in your corner. At Asset Print, we offer exceptional quality printing and design services with budget pricing and a quick turnaround time from our studio in Cape Town and deliver to you – anywhere in South Africa.
If you’ve been asked to advertise your local market, musical, concert or sporting event, Asset Print is here to help. Once you have permission from your local municipality to put up placards in your area, you need to design and get the placard printing done. Don’t know where to start? Here are some useful tips from our team of experts.
Tips For Designing The Perfect Placard
The size of your placard sign should be your first consideration when designing a placard sign – often determined by where it will go and what it needs to say. If it is a notice in your building’s lobby, choose a smaller option, like an A4 placard or even an A5 placard sign. With all placards, consider the background and make sure you design will stand out. So a dark background needs a light placard, while a very busy background means simple, uncluttered design will work better.
The further away your placard will be from those who has to read it, the bigger you want it. It is more economical to go for standard A-size placard signs, because it’s the same sizes as paper. Two A4s = one A3, two A3s = one A2s = one A1 (841 x 594 mm) and so on. But of course you can specify a non-standard custom placard size if that is where your placard will fit in.
Placards can be used in portrait or landscape (tall or wide), and you can put a UV layer over it if it is going to get a lot of sun. It it has to be up for a long time in a place exposed tot the weather, you can even ask your printer to laminate or encapsulate it.
Make Your Placard Easy To Read With Added Contrast
The primary goal of a placard sign is to expose people to an event. Vital information should be easy to read close-up and from a distance. The headline should come first as it’s the largest text element and can be accompanied by an additional graphic element or on its own. Always choose a font that is easy to read and doesn’t lose its visual appeal when resized. For information on what is happening, when it’s happening and where, use a font about half the size of the headline. Use a different font, style effects, bright colours or even gradients for more visual impact.
Placard Location And Call To Action
The location of placards factors in several elements including the aspect ratio, visual clutter around the poster and whether or not people who see it will appreciate your call to action. Knowing where your placard will be displayed means you’ll have a better idea of how it should be designed. Dark colours on the placard against a brick wall won’t stand out enough while a placard on a light notice board will benefit from creative and colourful design elements.
Unlike websites or event landing pages, calls to action such as “sign-up”, “register” or “email us” won’t work on placards. Once you’ve established what the reader is supposed to do when they see the placard, you can create an appropriate call to action. On placards, this is generally the event information or a contact point although some designers recommend using QR codes.
If you already have a design in mind, get in touch to find out more about our placard printing costs. Should you need help with your design – our team of placard printing professionals in Cape Town are waiting for your call. Get your quote today, place your order and get exactly what you want delivered, on time!